roku On the Basis of Sex 2018 Watch Online Full Movie

writer - Daniel Stiepleman Runtime - 120m 2018 7,1 / 10 Genres - Biography


On the Basis of Sex




My wife and I watched this movie at home on DVD from our local library. This is a good movie, if you evaluate it on its own merits and not whether you like RGB and her politics.
She entered law school in the 1950s when it was still considered a man's world, and the Harvard dean wondered "why did you take a spot that could have gone to a man? So her battle was always uphill. By the 1970s she got interested in the many laws that specifically discriminated against women and that became her mission, to fight for gender equality.
All this in the movie occurs before her appointment to the Supreme Court in 1993. British actress Felicity Jones is really very good as Ruth Bader Ginsburg and if you look at photos of RBG during her 30s you'd see there is even a resemblance.
Good movie of a good story, some may be turned off by the relatively slow pace but my wife and I thought it was just right.

Lets leave politics out of this review. My wife understood exactly what RBG went thru. She is also a lawyer and says women have to be
much better than men in the legal of gender discrimination still exists. The equal pay bill still has not passed. RBG despite stellar class standing could not find a spot in a law,firm. She had to go into academia. The first part of the movie was a bit slow in my opinion. RBG young is not easy to believe. The second half involving the big case was interesting. No remarkable acting in this.

This is not a review based on politics. This is a review based on how good the film was and it was simply mediocre. Skips over a lot of information and is more character driven than anything, which is understandable as it's a film but the people calling this a "docudrama" are wrong. It's a very very very slight overview of this amazing woman's career that could have covered more and been written better. Character development was clunky and weirdly paced.
Just watch RBG instead.






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